Brand New to Birding Field Workshop at Sweetwater Wetlands with Alex Patia
April 26th, Saturday, 7:00 am
$35/member; $50/non-member
Trip difficulty: Easy. Walking distance: around 1 mile at the most. Trip Duration: 1.5 – 2 hrs. Elevation gain: none, but with chance of slight inclines/declines. Ground condition: groomed gravel trails. Drinking water and restrooms available at park’s entrance. Benches available at periodic intervals around the Wetlands.
This field workshop is meant for those of you who are just getting into birding and are eager to develop your birdwatching skills and knowledge in the field. We’ll do a short walk around portions of the wetlands and cover topics like how to find birds, bird behavior, identifying birds by shape & voice, migration, and so much more. The entire workshop will be conducted outside while we are birding. Gear like optics, field guides, and birding apps will be discussed, and there could be some “homework” involved as well. Limited to 10 participants. The Wetlands are located at 2511 W Sweetwater Drive.
Leader: Alex Patia (apatia@tucsonbirds.org)
Header image: Common Yellowthroat by Mike Henry