Advanced Birding Series: Shorebirds with Alex Patia
April 11th, Friday, 7:00 am
Advanced Birding Series: Shorebirds with Alex Patia
$35/member, $50/non-member.
Trip Difficulty: Easy. Walking distance: around 1 mile. Trip Duration: 2.5 – 3 hrs. Elevation gain: none, but with chance of slight inclines/declines. Ground condition: groomed gravel trails. Drinking water and restrooms available at park’s entrance. Benches available at periodic intervals around the Wetlands.
Early April is a fantastic time to see spring migration happening at Sweetwater Wetlands. In this workshop we will focus on finding and practicing identification of shorebirds. Shorebirds likely to be present will include breeding Killdeer as well as migrating Spotted Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, and Wilson’s Snipe. Other species we could find include Black-necked Stilt, American Avocet, Long-billed Dowitcher, Solitary Sandpiper, Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs, Western Sandpiper, and maybe more! Given it will be peak spring migration we will also take time to identify other migratory birds like waterfowl, flycatchers, and swallows.
Limited to 10 participants. The Wetlands are located at 2511 W Sweetwater Drive.
Leader: Alex Patia (apatia@tucsonbirds.org)
Header image: Black-necked Stilt by Shawn Cooper