Birds ‘n’ Beer - Show Us Your Bird with Luke Safford ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content
Categories: Community Event

Birds ‘n’ Beer – Show Us Your Bird with Luke Safford

Virtual Social: Birds ‘n’ Beer– Show Us Your Bird with Luke Safford

Monday, April 7, 7pm – 8pm

Enjoy your favorite drink from home and virtually connect with your Tucson Bird Alliance friends. This will be an interactive virtual event that depends on YOU sharing your bird pictures with us! Send Luke your recent, or favorite, bird picture and we’ll take the opportunity to hear your bird story, talk through its identification (maybe you don’t know what species it is…), and discuss the hotspot where you found it. Not only will this be fun, but we’ll learn some tips on identifying birds and learn about new birding locations. Feel free to register and join, even if you don’t have a picture to share!

Registrants will be emailed a Zoom link a couple of days prior to the event. Registration for this event is free.

Luke Safford (


Header Image: Pyrrhuloxia by Mike Henry

Register Here




7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Trip Features

All Levels
Zoom (virtual)


Zoom (virtual)
Luke Safford


Luke Safford

Tucson Bird Alliance Director of Engagement and Education