Finding Birds in SEAZ ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content

Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona

The essential book for birding in our region

Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona Revised 8th Edition, 2015

Why should you and your friends have this book on your shelves, in your cars and in your field vest pockets? The answers are several: to easily access more than 150 birding locations throughout southeast Arizona; to discover where and when to find your target species; to prepare for knowing which birds you’ll see where and at what time of year. How could you go birding without it? You’ll see more birds if you buy this book, and you’ll discover great new places to visit.

You’ll find yourself using this book to plan a morning or day of birding or an entire trip. If you are just beginning to bird in southeast Arizona, or if you are a first-time visitor or looking for a new bird watching plan, the “Planning Your Trip” section offers birding ideas for any period from half to many days spent in the area. The book also includes useful background information for birding here, from how to prepare for the climate, weather, and the other species of wildlife to watch for while out birding.

To make your planning easier, we have divided the book into 12 birding areas, and you can use the overview map at the back to determine those areas where you want to bird. Each of these areas has its own section in the book. It’s birding made easy. Each area section begins with a map that highlights the most popular birding locations, with the names of streets, canyons, mountains and other landscape features. Dedicated local birding experts, who are out in the field every day, have provided their expertise and experience for each area. Having the book is like having your own personal expert with you.