Bird Safe Buildings ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content

Bird Safe Buildings​


365 million to 1 billion birds die from window collisions every year in the US alone. The majority of these strikes happen in low-rise buildings including residential areas.

Tucson, like many other cities, is experiencing rapid urbanization causing habitat loss for many species. Now more than ever, a large number of birds are found near buildings, which puts them in danger.

Tucson Bird Alliance’s Bird-Safe Buildings initiative addresses both residential window strike prevention as well as dangers posed by large commercial buildings. This program creates a safe passage and residency for millions of birds in urban, suburban and rural settings.

Three things you can do at home:

  1. Treat your windows to prevent collisions. Click here to learn how.
  2. Report any window strikes at your home using our survey and on iNaturalist.
  3. Register for the FREE Bird Safe Buildings program and receive a recognition decal.

FAQs & Best Practices


At certain times of day windows become mirror-like and reflect habitat across. Birds, not being familiar with that concept, try to get over to the patch of habitat inadvertently striking the glass.


Windows located directly across from each other create a sense of possible passage for birds.


Especially important during migration seasons, light can distract and confuse birds who either strike the windows or become caught in the disorienting beam of light.

  • Install external blinds and screens to break up reflections. This is a temperature preserving method that can also lower your electric bill.
  • Keep internal blinds partially closed unless it creates reflectivity. If two windows are directly across from each other, it creates a sense of fly through path for the bird and should be blocked.
  • Position feeders 0-3 feet from of a window so the birds cannot gain enough speed to do damage
  • Turn off indoor and outdoor lighting when not in use. Install motion-detectors and timers on essential lighting. Shield outdoor lights downward.
  • Create designs on windows to make them more visible to birds. See our window treatment suggestions below.
  • Make sure that all designs are visible from 10 feet away. Recommendation for stripes is at least 1/8″ wide and for dots at least 1/4″ in diameter. Bigger patterns are seen better from greater distances. Space the designs 2 inches apart to protect even our smallest species.