Hire a birding guide! ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content

Local Birding Guides for Hire

If you are looking to hire a local birding guide, you have come to the right place! As a service to the birding community, Tucson Bird Alliance refers local guides who we know to be knowledgeable and reputable. These local guides and guide companies support Tucson Bird Alliance as partners in our efforts to serve the community through environmental conservation, education, and recreational programs.

Adventure Birding Company adventurebirding.com
Specializing in flexible, personalized guiding in SE Arizona
Ken Blankenship, East West Birding Tours
kenblankenshipbirding@gmail.com eastwestbirdingtours.com
770 317-8486
Bird Guiding and Tours in SE Arizona, LRGV Texas, and the Southeastern U.S.
Richard Fray, Fun Birding Toursrichard@funbirdingtours.com
Professional guide based in Rio Rico, covering all SEAZ
Kristy Gallo, Redstart Birding Tours


Personalized, small group tours covering the Sky Islands of Southeast Arizona. Half day and full day tours available.

Matt Griffiths, Tucson Bird Tripsmattg7022@gmail.com
520 971-7924
Fully customized birding and nature trips in the Sky Island region of Southeast Arizona
Felipe Guerrero, Arizona Birding Guidesfelipe@arizonabirdingtours.com
Felipe specializes in covering the entire state – Southeastern, Central, and Northern Arizona
Melody Kehl, Melody’s Birdingmelodysbirding.com
Individualized tours designed to meet your specific needs and wish list, covering all Southeast Arizona
Jake Mohlmann, WINGS and Adventure Birding Companyjake@adventurebirding.com 
Vincent Pinto, Ravens Way Wild Journeysravensnatureschool.org
Birder, Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor. Personalized birding experiences.
Brad Sulentic, AZ Spark Birdingazsparkbirding.comSpecializes in Upper San Pedro River Valley, including the east side of the Huachuca Mountains.
John Yerger, Adventure Birding Companyjohn@adventurebirding.comBased in Portal, AZ. Tours throughout southwestern Arizona
Scott Wilbor, Nature InSightnatureinsight-explore.com
520 977-0800
All levels of experience. Half and full-day birding and nature adventures within 2 hours of Tucson.
WINGS Birding Tourswings@wingsbirds.com
Small group and private tours for birders of all levels.

These referrals are not vetted by Tucson Bird Alliance with regard to permitting or insurance. Tucson Bird Alliance takes no responsibility for the guided trip that is chosen. When hiring a local birding guide, check that they have the required materials in place to operate on public lands managed by the National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, or other agencies (permits, liability insurance, etc.). You may also want to ask the guide to provide you with references. Some guides may use recorded bird calls; please check with your guide in advance if this is a concern to you.