Nestboxes for Desert Birds ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content

Nestboxes for Desert Birds

Arizona is home to over thirty cavity-nesting birds! Only a fraction, the woodpeckers, are considered primary cavity nesters, or those that can excavate their own holes. The rest rely on them or other natural events to create cavities suitable for nesting.

High competition coupled with habitat loss makes cavities a high commodity in Arizona but we can help by installing a nestbox in your yard!

Tucson Bird Alliance conducted multiple studies on species nestbox preferences and best practices for installation of nestboxes in the arid west.

For more information about this program please contact us at

Install a Nestbox!

Unsure which nestbox would be best for the habitat you’re in? Check out our guide.

The following information sheets offer an insight into the needs of specific species that are most likely to use boxes in the Tucson and Green Valley metro areas. If you live in any of the Sky Island Mountains of southeast Arizona there are likely to be many other birds that will nest in boxes, including woodpeckers, swallows, nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, bluebirds and wrens. A typical Flycatcher Nestbox design satisfies the needs for many of these species. 

Tucson Bird Alliance’s University Boulevard Nature Shop has nestboxes constructed by program staff and volunteers. Please visit the shop at 300 E. University Blvd. to purchase your nestbox or order online.

No sales tax is ever charged at our shop and members get 10% off. 100% of the proceeds go back into the Nestbox Program to help local birds find homes.

Monitor your Nestbox

We encourage you to let us know if birds use your box. (nestbox monitoring instructions).  If a nest is started, please register it at and follow the instructions in the monitoring document, which will share your data with Tucson Bird Alliance. 

Volunteer for Tucson Bird Alliance’s Nestbox Program!

We need your help! Teams of nestbox builders and monitors are crucial for success. Contact us at to find out how you can help the Desert Nestbox Program at this time.

Top image: Lucy’s Warbler at nestbox by Paula Redinger