Publications ⋆ Tucson Bird Alliance Skip to content

Our Publications

Vermilion Flycatcher

Tucson Bird Alliance produces a quarterly magazine that seeks to inform and educate birders and communities of Southeast Arizona.

The Vermilion Flycatcher is Tucson Bird Alliance’s quarterly member publication, loaded with information on where and when to go birding, conservation news, and upcoming events. To receive this high-quality full-color magazine by mail, become a member by joining now!

Reading the Vermilion Flycatcher online saves paper and money and is usually available for reading before the printed version arrives in the mail!

The Vermilion Flycatcher offers the opportunity for four-color display advertising. See our rate sheet for rates and or contact us at

Vermilion Flycatcher Archive

Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona Revised 8th Edition, 2015


Tucson Bird Alliance’s updated edition brings together all the latest information on finding birds in Southeast Arizona. This is your best source of detailed information that will help in planning bird watching adventures in the region.

Tucson Birding Trail Map

To see a bigger version of this map click in the box at the upper right of the map, or go to this direct link.

Printed Map Available NOW!

A printed version of this map was produced by Tucson Bird Alliance and Tucson Parks and Recreation Department with a grant from the Arizona Game and Fish Department Heritage Fund, and with additional funds from Tucson Parks and Recreation Department. It is now available at the Tucson Bird Alliance Nature Shop, Tucson Parks and Recreation sites, and other locations.